ADR Locksmith
ADR Locksmith

Terms and Conditions

I confirm that (i) the information given by me is correct, (ii) I have the authority to commission locks being opened/changed, (iii) I shall identify and hold harmless the locksmith against further liability, (iv) I waive my rights to a seven day cooling off period and wish the work to begin immediately.

Furthermore, I understand that, (i) payment will be made upon completion unless other arrangements have been made and agreed prior to commencement of work, (ii) acceptance of these terms assigns authority to carry out the work, (iii) failure to make payment within the terms specified may require remedial work to be carried out to make good work undertaken without authorisation, and such work will be chargeable at the standard rate, (iv) all goods supplied remain the property of ADR Locksmith until paid for in full.

These are the terms and conditions on any invoice issued but it can be nice to have them around for reference.  99 per cent of the time they don't come into play and they seem a bit grumbly but it has to be there.


It's basically - You asked me to do this because you wanted it done and you can give permission. - And permission is granted by payment. - So, without payment permission is not granted and unauthorised work will need putting right. (Removal of locks or resecuring premises.)

And such further work is also chargeable.

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ADR Locksmith, Hackney, London - 07747 031189
